Do you plan to start a new LLC?
Let’s make your first business decision one that’s well informed.
Let’s discuss your new business
Let’s discuss your new business
“Acquiring or forming a new business is an exciting step in life. It’s critical to go through the process wisely. My business formation services are for those who are in the process of acquiring or forming a new entity, including LLCs, LLPs, Corporations, S-corps and more. I’ll help you cut through the red tape correctly.”
Understanding what to do in the business formation process of starting an LLC can feel overwhelming and it’s easy to feel lost. Choosing a highly competent certified public accountant is a wise decision that will help eliminate foreseeable problems down the road. You can rest assured that your crucial business decisions will be made with the highest level of accuracy, when you consult with a CPA before going through the business formation process. This is an exciting step for you, and for most it is the path to financial prosperity. Audra treats her clients’ dreams and businesses as if they are her own.
“I am aware of the major, corporate-style online services out there that offer business formation, and the best way to explain these services are in two statements: 1) You typically get what you pay for; 2) You are typically receiving a low wage clerk’s assistance. Let’s face it, big corporations tend to eliminate high-caliber employees wherever they can because that equates to bigger profit for them.”
“When people form an LLC, they are generally aiming for two things which are to limit legal liability and to limit financial exposure to just the business—not personal assets. With that said, you are at a critical point where making a mistake can really cost you, so having a certified public accountant or an attorney form your business is the wise approach. I don’t treat clients how greedy corporations treat customers. I offer the great convenience of providing business formation services online without sacrificing quality.”
If you’re struggling with the process of identifying which type of entity to form, whether it’s an LLC, S-Corp, Sole Proprietorship, etc., Audra can advise you on the options and help you choose which will best suit you. Your choice in entity type will have lasting ramifications financially and legally. Having an expert at your disposal will help navigate the business formation process and avoid costly mistakes, and allow you to focus on what really counts. Consulting an expert in this stage of your business will prove invaluable. Contact Audra today.